Louise Page Academy

Sunday 17 July 2011

Confessions of an Airbrusher

I politely cough as I stand before the students. All eyes on me - its nerve racking is exactly what it is. What if I can't articulate myself and get over my stagefright? Deep breath, off we go, I am hoping I won't send the audience in sleep mode...

I start to describe the functions of the airbrush and before I know it, I'm full of animation and verbal diahrarea for this masterpiece of kit.  It is a fact, I am totally wowed every single time by the airbrush. For me, there's only ever been one airbrush, its by Airbase.

There is a technique to glide over the face and body but once you've got it, you will be hooked.  Lou Page, Celebrity Makeup Artist, is well respected and known for her flawless base on the red carpet. After my airbrush class, she's ready to dial the digits or dash to the door to get her very own stainless steel beast of a machine. SOLD.  The other students are in airbrush heaven, all finger tapping in thought of how they can raise funds to indulge themselves in this addictive and flawless form of artistry.

Using an airbrush is speedy, you dont need to powder (which is great for HD TV) and it does have a long lasting effect, its relaxing for your client and it means you can spend the extra time on a wow factor on something else. You can contour, highlight, define and shape with the airbrush, its a matter of trust and knowing that you can really control product distribution and density of the product. 

The airbase dual airbrush is easy to use, easy to clean - it even has its own cleaning pot, carry case and an entire host of kit that you can just keep adding.

So, what are you waiting for?  You can come and be trained by me or the Pro Team at the Louise Page Academy.  www.louisepageacademy.com and if you fancy more info on the Airbase Airbrushing system, why not drop me a line zoe@zoewalters.com

Sunday 3 July 2011

Whitening or Frightening...?

Ok, so you might know that I was at the New You Beauty Show recently, with my lovely colleagues from the Louise Page Academy.  Work? Hell no, I was off like a shot looking at what other exhibitors were doing, selling and offering... great turnout and pretty decent footfall. Lauren Goodger from TOWIE was there to promote her new tanning range which caused a slight stir.  I was more interested in the 'Confidence' Teeth Whitening shinannigans personally. For a show price of £49 how could I NOT give it a go.... and I'd dazzle the audience with my white winning smile.

We settle on my current shade of 18 and aim for 10 shades lighter. Bon Bon Bon, Im sold, sign me up RIGHT THIS SECOND.

Donna the lovely lady from 'Confidence' (based in Stevenage), attempts to put the mouth shield in, its too big and I think my lips might actually split... mild panic sets in but not to worry, Donna produces her smaller shield and we are off. First up, a coat of gum protection goes on (I later find out it looks like you have seaweed in your teeth... attractive!) and a first coat of the whitening gel followed by the UV type lamp that sits over my mouth with 15 minutes on the clock. 

5 mins up, tingling has started, gums slightly fizzing but eh ok. Beep, beep, beep its 15 mins. Donna looms over me with a toothpick and tissue, wiping off the first coat. She seems happy just on the first shade! I'm thrilled!  Donna repeats the same process again and Im feeling a slight burning sensation, teeth has become bit more sensitive and the UV lamp thing is now jamming against the mouth guard, cutting into my gum. Another 15 mins of fist clenching goes on and another round of wipe off, paste on.  Its the 3rd time and now, I'm beginning to fidget. More burning, my teeth feel on the edge of hyper sensitive-ness but Donna seems happy the shade is good to go, she declares I'm not a shade 4! Result! That's it, gum shield off, water swirled around and my teeth feel squeaky. I have an audience cooing over my white teeth so off I go to the bathroom.

So where's the white teeth? I thought I would have dulux brilliant white glowing teeth? Nope, sadly not, quite frankly, Im disappointed.   I get back to the stand, others tell me they are really white - Im not convinced. 

Ok, so its home time, I can't eat or drink anything because my teeth are so sensitive (it feels like someones held ice on them for a LONG TIME), Im slightly miserable so head off to bed, Im aware all damn night long my teeth actually hurt. I am driven to pop some pain relief pills and back to bed I go.

Its morning, I groan, my teeth hurt and its time to clean up. Toothbrush alert.. I can't actually put the toothbrush  in my mouth, its too painful and half my gum on a front tooth has blistered along with the inside of my lips, what on earth have I done? I even consider taking the day off of work to feel extremely sorry for oneself.

A few hours later, bleeding gums have stopped and the sensitivity has subsided. Armed with my toothbrush, Im desparate for up close and personal look. They are white, my teeth are actually white and I rather like them, no, I LOVE them. Would I do it again? Hell yes, but I'll know to have straws at the ready and to arm myself with pain killers.

Thanks Donna from 'Confidence' in Stevenage, very nice lady and cheap as chips white teeth. RRP £99. BARGAIN!

 Shade 18... we are off... very attractive fashion accessory!

 And the very nice UV lamp that activates the gel.

Taken 2 days later at bedtime! Not a particularly glam picci but my, white teeth!